Friday 27 June 2008

Fever, in the morning, fever all through the night


Sniff, sniff, cough, scratch.


My body thinks it's under attack. All these tree's and grasses have been jizzing their pollen into the air and for some stupid reason my body is responding to it by making me feel shit.

I grew up in the countryside for fucks sake, surely it should understand that it's just a bit of pollen. I've tried antihistamines, nasal sprays, eye drops, exorcism...nothings working.

The plants are basically forcing their unwanted sperm in my face and there's nothing I can do. I feel like I'm their bitch.

Cough, scratch, sniff, curse, punch own head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sorry to make such a corny comment but that post really has left with a bad taste in my mouth (I know, I know - sorry)...

Seriously though, you should write more about plants jizzing...there's definitely a gap in the market for it...