Thursday, 30 October 2008

Why bother?

Why would you work for the Daily have a choice....and yet you clearly choose to work for a hateful, nasty, selfish-breeding, paranoid and destructive organisation. The big, rascist bully in British society.

Why would you work for British American tobacco. Your job to try and increase the sales of addictive, carcingenic drugs to a developing country. Your meagre graduate paycheck buying your complicity in the addiction and death of millions of people.

Why would you work for the bookmakers. Turning the desperate hopes of disillutioned and beaten down men, who just want a safety net, into profit for your mafia system of the house always wins.

Why would you lobby against scientific reason, be it for religious or commercial gains (is there a difference). Knowing that you'll hold back the gains that have come from reason and open, rational, proofbased, critical review.

Why would you work to place a cage around us, knowing the dangers that this will cause.

In's been a bad day.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Twitching curtains

I hate caravan sites.

I spent so many holidays in my youth in them and I think it probably did a lot to encourage my general misanthropy.

So many rules, you have even less freedoms than at home. Why not just check in to your local prison. There's a lot more chance of getting fucked.

I like wild camping, although I'm not sure why. People usually say that the enjoyment is the feeling of freedom that it gives you, but in a way I think it's the opposite.

Instead of worrying about 100 insignificant things, all you need to worry about is where you're going to shit, and what you're going to do to stop yourself freezing to death in the night. That's real you can't do 99% of the things that you can usually do at home. You can't choose the brand of leaf you're going to have to wipe your arse with, you can't change channel, you can't consolidate all your debt into one monthly loan, you can't change at Waterloo rather than at Bank, you can't buy the own brand rather than the leading manufacturer

Freedom isn't about choice from a list.

It's about the basics. What do you want to do. sites.....if the Nazi's had won (and it's not over yet) we'd all live on caravan sites.